Monday, 12 August 2013

Life is like a Journey...

Do you speculate about this tremendous journey called Life,or the people who make up the journey?
I often wonder how is it that certain predestined events happen in everyone's life?
Who decides where we are born,who we associate with,who we make life long friendships with?
Is it our choice?Fate/destiny?or plain Luck..or an inexplicable interplay of all of these???

I always kind of believe that there's some road map somewhere(Don't ask me where or how)..We take it further by the choices we make consciously...We meet people,form bonds some short,some for eternity and move on.We influence others and in turn let others influence us.We carry forward memories of a joke shared,wonderful time spent together or of a few shared tears or sometimes even a bitter separation.

I've been fortunate to have had met so many people,formed relationships - some leading to lasting friendships irrespective of where they come from,what their roots are,their religious affiliations are or which parts of the globe they inherit.
I've learnt many a thing from my friends and cherish what I share with them.There are some very close friends with whom I don't 've the pressure of having to continuously keeping them"in the know" and still can go on ahead with my life.And when our paths cross again,I know that I can just pick up the threads and start of from where I left off.

With some,I like the journey through a telephone conversation and with some it is the written words that keeps the relationship going..Never know if the bond would still be the same if it was carried out live..

Then there are some where I've trusted,been let down but in hindsight realized that they were not worth keeping and hence better off without the heavy baggage imposed by such relationships.Closely coming second of the ones that I detest are those who under the guise of friends stab you from behind.Shakespeare put it succinctly in the words of Caesar when he said 'Et tu Brutus" of the people who you think are close but let u down so badly that there's no going back to that one in a long long time!!!!!!
Then there are others with whom clarification is forever necessary to keep the relationship going or else it is soon going to be doomed in misunderstandings and hurt feelings any time...It takes a lot of emotional strength to maintain these high maintenance relationships and god aren't they emotionally exhausting????
And then lastly there are those elite,close friends who are very few in number but I find the most comforting..I wonder,what would happen without these people in my life.They remind me of the quote-'Friends are the relatives you never had" true..these friends I know,I can rely upon any time of the day or night.I know they'll carry my secrets to the grave....I can ask for help and know beforehand that they would help and who know that I'd bend backwards to do the same for them if the need arises...I like such relationships where I can be myself,speak what's on my mind without being judged...

We all lose some relationships-be it family members,friends,relatives.. we lose them in death, to distance and over time. But even though they may be lost, hope is not. The key is to keep them in your heart, and when the time is right, you can pick up the relationship right where you left off. Even the lost find their way home when you leave the" light on" 

Be civil to everyone in the least if not friendly-who knows the next person you meet might become your best friend in life.

I believe in this little poem which has been a major influence throughout my life


Life is like a journey on a train
With two fellow travellers at each window pane
I may sit beside you all the journey thro'
Or I might sit elsewhere never knowing you.

But if Fate should mark me to sit by your side,
Lets be pleasant travellers,
Tis so short a ride!!!!


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