A colleague and I were recently discussing about using this chart with our clients during counselling(for more info and decoding the platter click here → Mind platter).And I was telling myself maybe I should start with checking off how many portions I was consuming before I suggested someone else should do it. So this is how it went
- Sleep time - A big ✓ (do I even need to explain that ? - I think not)
- Focus time - ✓( I can do hours and hours of reading or learning or concentrate - I actually get a 'high' when I do these - so I'm thinking I'm getting extra points here :) )
- Time in - ✓(being trained in Mental health,that's what I do for a living - dealing with emotions and feelings - so its like a home run)
- Play time - ✓ (if that playing includes all that which we play on gadgets or with our kids -I'm in the game still)
- Down time - ✓(this happens to me like a fish takes to water - I can find countless things not to do and to just laze and think about - like the Arctic expedition or the Kenyan safari I might go or the holidays I might take some day in the Bahamas or Down Under(hope hubby reads this list accidentally :)I can just go on with that list with very little prompting)
- Connecting time - ✓(oh yes - I'm totally connected to my family,friends,phone, books, nature)
- Physical time -???????????????????
That last one on the list right there is a slippery slope for me because the explanation given was something like
"When we move our bodies, aerobically if possible, which strengthens the brain in many ways"...
Hmm....I'm wondering does it include
- all the acrobatic ways I try to reach for the jar on the top shelf in the closet or
- the countless number of times I go up and down the stairs in the house to retrieve stuff from each floor? or
- how I contort my body trying to balance a few books,whilst trying to push my 2.5 year old son in the stroller & maneuvering my way through the maze like pathways in the library & still managing to open the door ? or
- the number of times I've tried to run like the wind to catch the bus before it left the stop or
- run behind my kids just stopping them from dropping that precious vase from the past ? or
- even darting across the road when the pedestrian crossing timer is about to touch 'zero' or
- going round in circles like Tom & Jerry during the morning school & office run on weekdays or
- does the aerobics and dance class I've been to in my past life count ??? or
- Would lying on the grass and gazing at the sky and cloud spotting be equal to aerobically moving my brain muscles????
But who am I kidding here ?....I've never been fond of going to the gym or engaging in that imaginative walking & running or pretending to be on an incline on the treadmill....I wear yoga pants but not because I do or like yoga - its because I like them as they are very very comfortable to wear..I like to eat all kinds of sensible/edible/tasty/colorful food and I don't ever make the mistake of counting the calories at all - I've NEVER ever engaged in a single diet or even fasted for any thing in my entire life - in my mind - its 'just this one life' and 'living life with regrets' and 'what ifs' is not my cup of tea...(there I mentioned a drink again..:)..I'm a foodie through and through- luckily for me - my hyperactive brain metabolizes my calories & I don't put on much weight - that's my theory in any case..:)))
The point here is I really need to work on the physical fitness part- that necessary evil or taboo word - however you may call it - its still unpalatable I guess!..I'm sure many of you are just like me justifying why you are not finding the time to exercise and that life's very busy to take some time out to work out - as for me - no amount of reasoning,giving excuses of not finding time is going to cut ice with my logical brain.I can't kid myself really.I'm too insightful for that!...
I do find it very inspiring when I see all the people working out and posting status on social media like "At the gym working out"(would people go there for any other reason I don't know - anyway that's beside the point).But for me - it just stops with 'getting inspired' stage but 'not acting on it' phase.
Physical fitness is not over rated & taking an hour or even 1/2 hour out of 24 hours in a day is not too much to ask for in order to be healthy in the long run - so as I'll be telling my clients - maintain a diary,record your little achievements no matter,take one step at a time to eventually walking a mile or even a marathon..(now that marathon's a bit too much for me to even visualize right now but I'll just throw it in there - it does sound good & making me feel fit already !!)..
Now I'm off to the park with my kids to help them get their physical time whilst ...hmm errr I take a book with me to read sitting on a bench...!!!
May be I will suddenly sprint like that Kenyan athlete (who almost always wins the marathon)once TOMORROW COMES :)
According to a study reported in Science News, lab tests on animals have shown that when they exercise, their nerve cells release proteins known as neurotrophic factors. One NF in particular, called brain-derived neurotrophic factor or BDNF, triggers numerous other chemicals that promote neural health. In fact, BDNF has been shown to have direct benefits on brain functions, including learning and slowing or repairing neural illnesses.
ReplyDeleteIf it works for lab rats the principal is valid for humans as well: keep moving, keep exercising and keep the oxygen flowing to your brain. This is not to say that physical fitness is the magic bullet to prevent dementia or Alzheimer's disease, but at the very least it is a step in the right direction.
Thanks for that - we all need inspiration to work on change !
DeleteSame ticks for me! Physical time: I use my down time to fantasize cycling 100km on the week-ends & 60min aerobics every week day!
ReplyDeleteFantasizing is good for the mind- when dreams become reality ,then it's better than fantasy namely ecstasy :)
Delete"There's lots of things you can do if don't have to to look at the mirror!"
ReplyDeleteFor me, forty plus is the period of saying byebye to all narcissistic notions and just remain fat and ugly!
Keep writing!
Ha,ha,true indeed the stuff we can accomplish if the mirror doesn't reflect back the true story to us :) Age is just a number but remaining mentally & physically active can mean a great difference to the quality of our lives now & later.
DeleteThanks for the support - when my thoughts get the better of myself - I've to empty them down - so will keep at it :)
Getting a pedometer app in your iphone/android really helps.
ReplyDeleteThat's a great tip Suba - it might be a way of getting some tangible evidence for all the steps one takes.The only catch is remembering to take the phone everywhere we go..:)