Friday, 3 November 2017


Are you a bucket filler or a bucket dipper?

For those unfamiliar with the terms - simply put - it is the concept taught to kids at school that we all carry invisible buckets of feelings. When we use our dipper to fill another person's bucket - which may be a kind word or gesture- we set about enhancing not only the other person's sense of worth but also fill our own buckets. On the other hand, a person with an empty or half filled bucket may use the dipper to dip into some one else's bucket which maybe saying unkind, hurtful or mean things. This may not only decrease the other person's positive emotions but also diminishes ourselves.
Sounds simple to understand but how many of us pause to think or reflect about how after every interaction with another human being be it in your personal or professional space or even with members of society at large if we have filled or dipped into someone's bucket????
In my professional world, when working with caregivers of people living with dementia- we reiterate how 'emotional awareness' is a persisting asset till the end. The emphasis for caregivers is that people with dementia may forget the words that was said to them but may remember 'how they were made to feel'. And so how important it was to be mindful of every interaction they had with their loved ones with dementia, to be aware of how and what they communicated and what feelings it engendered in the person living with dementia.
So brain disease or not- it's not hard to fathom why human beings tend to latch on to feelings that arise out of either a pleasant or unpleasant interaction with others they interact with long after the incident is over.
It's fascinating how human brains are like a Velcro for negative memories and like a non stick or Teflon for positive memories.

The underlying need of every human being is to be accepted, liked or even better loved by others.

When we like the person we are interacting with, bucket filling happens effortlessly. It's when we are in disagreement with another individual that we tend to dip intentionally or unintentionally.
We need to be mindful of most (if not all)interactions we have with another person as to what are the feelings we are leaving the other person with because of what we said or did. Even 'not communicating' is a response too and we may have different reasons why we may do it - be it to establish boundaries or fiercely guard our personal space. But at times it might be a message that the other person doesn't matter much or you can take them for granted.

How long do we think we are going to  be walking on this earth? Not long- the sooner we get that, the easier it is to be more compassionate to each other. If we cannot add to someone's bucket we must be cognizant of at least not depleting their buckets. Just like a full bucket gives us strength and confidence and hope, an empty bucket saps us of our energy and undermines our will.

So, everyday we are faced with a choice- we can fill buckets or dip - an important choice that profoundly affects our outlook,our choices and relationships- so choose wisely!!!

If you can't fill -don't dip!!

Thursday, 24 August 2017


Dear Anvita

As you turn 12, I want to write about things that I've always tried to get across to you in many ways all these years.

 I realize that as you are becoming your own person, not just pretty but a 'pretty strong' young girl- being a female I see how people around you - be it friends, family or society constantly (knowingly or unknowingly) try to condition you that you are a girl/female and that you need to feel/do/talk a certain way. I have tried my best to tell you otherwise and as you are about to become a teen - here are some thoughts for you to ponder, process and practice !!

1.First and foremost- want to tell you that unlike what Indian or many cultures prefer or perpetuate- I always wanted my first born child to be a female and was delighted when I learnt about you. A girl with whom I would experience the same closeness I felt with my own mother, a girl with an independent mind and knows what she is doing, a girl who is kind and strong. So I tell you - we were ecstatic when our prayers were answered. You've been and still are a great role model for your brother and hope you continue to grow and evolve and be always beautiful from the inside!!!

2.You may not know or realize - not once in these 12 years I've asked you to do a chore or learn something because you are a female- which was a conscious effort on my part - to spare you from what I've been exposed to!! I'd 've asked or nudged you because I want you to have life skills that would enable you to survive or adapt anywhere that you would choose to be. So don't do anything because that's what girls/females are 'supposed' to do.

3.Don't follow rituals/participate in activities cos you are expected to as a female if it doesn't make sense because I'm pretty sure they are man made or woman made - a learnt behaviour which  can be easily 'un made or unlearnt'. You don't have to prove anything to anyone or anybody by doing any of it.

4.Don't let anyone tell you that you need to look/dress a certain way because you are a female.Eat,sleep or exercise right in order to be healthy not to subscribe to how society thinks you ought to be. Be free to experiment with how you dress or look as long as it adds to your confidence, is safe for your body, makes you feel good about how/who you are!!

5.Don't let anyone tell you what you do or how you do things are  unfeminine or not graceful - there's no such thing!!
Learn to cook, play soccer, drive, sew,be creative or change tires -just do whatever you want to do as long as you are experiencing fun, get joy out of it or learning something new.

6.Feel free to pursue your passion - be it to be an animation artist(like you are saying right now),teacher or an engineer or explore space - go for whatever lights up the fire in your belly. Remember the Carl Sagan video we watched. Life is short and precious, it is important to spend your life being with the right people, being in a career that excites you and doing things that is not just about earning money.

7.Develop nurturing relationships and  friendships with others (doesn't matter what language, skin colour, race or religion they come from) but rather with those who respect you, treat you right, you can learn from and be inspired-those with whom you can reciprocate all those. Never settle for less !!!

8.Call people out when others around you perpetuate gender based stereotypes particularly when you are made to be part of that stereotyping.    In all the jobs I've had so far in 5 different countries - I have noticed that the top Management staff has always been females- I'm sure they didn't subscribe to these either and just believed in themselves to get to where they are.

'Fairy tale retold' assignment
9.Remember no job is just a man's job and you should never be the 'damsel in distress' - you may have seen me climbing ladders, fixing stuff at home, think about pros and cons and make decisions as much as Daddy does- sometimes more, sometimes less depending on the circumstances. It's not about male and female roles and expectations- it's about getting things done individually or as a team!!!

I felt so proud when in grade 5 - you had a different take on Rapunzel for your 'Fairy tale retold' classroom assignment. She was not in the ivory tower but rather outside fighting off the evil people. She didn't have long hair but a short, colorful chic hairstyle you conceived for her.
You just GO GIRL -just dream and work hard -the sky or should I say 'space' is your limit!!

10.Lastly don't forget about self care because girls/females/women tend to put others needs,wants,desires ahead of theirs most of the time coupled with feeling guilty for taking care of oneself. This is a lesson I have learnt (still learning) pretty late in life but I'd rather you didn't. It is wonderful to be kind, caring and compassionate to others but be sure to be those to yourself as well!!!

As you grow,I hope to be there for you whenever and however you need me in different roles - mom,friend,counsellor,confidante,laughing companion, partner in crime for trying out new things, sharing clothes or accessories, serial hugger- just let me know!!

Lots of love,hugs,kisses and pride!

Monday, 29 May 2017


Marriage is not for everyone. It takes special talents, skills, strategies to stay married to another adult your entire life. As we are celebrating our 17th wedding anniversary today, 18 years of knowing each other (feels like a lifetime)- I was reflecting on how we have made it work this far without strangling each other, keep the war and conflicts to the minimum [it's always good to dream big 😉 ] and managed to keep the love, peace and all emotions going(in some type/form or way)!!

Some highlights that seem to work   
  1.    Marriage is not for the fainthearted- you need a sturdy and strong heart. For the multiple heartaches that might occur along the way- you need a solid one that will regrow itself not from stem cells/a donor heart but from repeated acts of kindness, loyalty and utter faith in the relationship.
  2.      Marriage is not for the short or far sighted people -it requires a special vision to look closely and etch in your memories all the little and big things that this person does that warms up your heart. Also to 'look away' or turn a blind eye to the kind of things that totally drives you up the wall or running for the hills. For eg: not putting things back to its rightful place, procrastinating certain 'to do' items, 'corner syndrome'(will not go into details to keep the peace I was referring to earlier).
  3.     Marriage is not for the hard of hearing -it requires special hearing skills to listen to what the other person is saying (or not saying), be present in the moment to hear their hopes, dreams(broken/intact), the ability to tune out all the unnecessary noise that comes from your partner(including snores!!) when they turn from human to an alien you don't recognise.
  4.       Marriage is not for the serious minded -you require a sense of humour (actually loads of it) for being able to laugh with each other, at times at each other or at the absurdity of it all. Sometimes being able to laugh away the multiple curve balls that life would keep throwing at you both or even catch them together as a team or to fling them far away into outer space(sometimes 'denial' helps too 😉)
  5.      Marriage is not for the people with reduced spatial abilities -it requires being able to be very close, feeling connected and yet when everyday demands of life, work, technology, parenting might wedge a gap - being able to hang onto each other (even if it's just some fingers you are clutching instead of an entire hand) and resisting the tendency to push/grow away from each other. It's also having the ability to give space to the other person to be their own self, to be valued, appreciated and validated by friends, family or others, pursue their interests or hobbies - anything that will keep the sanity and peace(see how many times I have referred to the word 'peace').
  6.     Marriage is not for those who have photographic memories - people who hang onto hurts, keep looking back in time, haul heavy emotional baggage all the time and keep scratching that wound from the past. That constant looking back would not only stop you from knowing where you are going but you'd also end with a wound that won't heal!! 'Selective memories' in marriage goes a long way acting as glue to cement that bond. (Note to hubby - I hope you don't forget what I said we would do if and when we make it to the 25th anniversary!!)
  7.   Marriage is for those who have accountability or ownership  and clear boundaries- knowing what you invested or put into that relationship, being able to take responsibility for the choices we make(good or bad), and the consequences that come with everyone of those choices or actions we have made.
  8.     Marriage is for the brave and the adventurous - for those who don't maintain check lists of to do items on the relationship menu, who can seize the moment. It is also for those who don't mind going on a crazy ride, taking small steps. It is about learning to trust the journey, even if you don't understand it at all times!
  9.     Marriage or being married is a commitment, a feeling, it's an emotion-it's both about giving and taking. As someone wisely said -"give your best to each other, not your leftovers after you've given your best to everyone else in marriage"!
  10.      Marriage is the safe space, or shelter or that rock you can crawl into when the whole world is plotting against you, when your kids turn into aliens or monsters, family members, relatives or friends behave 'unfamily' like or unfriendly. 

Such useful coping strategies come in handy to overcome 'the urge to strangle' overwhelms myself :)