Well Anvita turned 11 day today. A few weeks ago - we found this 3 page letter on our bed. A well thought out letter written by a soon to be 11 year old. Not surprising at all cos I love to write as did my mom,her father was a writer/poet(on my maternal side of the family we have a genetic predisposition for the arts,creative stuff and writing). Anvita often leaves love notes & essays at all places in the house(which I have a habit of preserving cos I think they are valuable & precious)๐
This particular note+ letter had her birthday wish list. We are quite a no nonsense family - we don't beat around the bush- we get straight to the point!!
My sensible,practical,fun loving daughter who loved sweatpants and shorts to wearing dresses,who preferred to play basketball/soccer to playing houses asking to colour her hair???
I was taken back by item no 1 on her list. ๐ฑThere was no way I was going to let my 10 year old (more like going on 20) daughter to make a choice that could cause damage to her lovely hair- not at least when she is still living under our roof!!
This list was followed by a letter of persuasion - a letter in which she had carefully listed out all her accomplishments throughout the year and justifying how she has earned it & persuading us to agree to her wish(es)!
On one hand - I'm thoroughly amused that she has an independent mind and is very clear on what she wants. Every year she tells us in advance how she wants to celebrate her birthday - for instance once she wanted to invite her friends,then another time it was a slumber party. Yet another year she wanted to explore an amusement park. She has been doing that since the time she could talk!! We let her make her choice and we do our best to honour it within our means.
This time around - it was hard to agree to what she wanted. She's a tween and I'm already dreading how teenage would look like if this is a sign of things to come. We had a choice - go outright & say NO to her unreasonable demand which as parents we believe is harmful for her hair and body. But it didn't feel right to crush her spirit,or quell her attempts at exploring,experimenting and expressing her individuality. In the very least I thought it merited a thorough conversation with her - a discussion on the pros and cons.Even though I couldn't completely convince her even with the help of Dr.Google - she seemed to appreciate the fact that I treated her as her own person,an individual who has the right to think,make choices and think about consequences and that her opinion is valuable too. I must admit my daughter has the makings of a lawyer and a master negotiator- at one point she almost convinced me as to how the tip of the hair are dead cells and that technically she wasn't causing any harm to herself and that in the worst case she could trim the hair in 6 months time and erase all signs of it if it turned out to be a mistake.
Somehow this bout I won and managed to dissuade her from making that choice.
Each day I'm proud of the little person that she is turning into. But I/we need to accept that there might be many more such battles to come in our parenting journey and colouring her hair pink/brown might be the least of my worries then!!!
Here's to many more such letters and discussions and non violent fights/arguments(and parental wins??๐)
Happy 11th birthday sweetheart and hope all your assertiveness happens when you are facing the big bad world outside!!๐๐✋๐ป
Anvita and her bubble tea today๐น
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