Monday, 9 September 2013

Can I quit...being a parent for a day ??

I'm not asking much..just one day off from an unrelenting schedule of being  a parent - of not being responsible for two young lives,not being the referee between two warring kids,not being the unpaid driver picking/dropping the kids to and from school,after school,beyond school/outer space activities..a break from having to get up early in the morning,trying to pack up several boxes of food for the kids/adults,from not having to look for matching socks,clothes or underwear from all over the place,of trying to get them to cram some edible humanly food before they leave,from not worrying about the class assignments they need to do or milestones they need to reach,or getting them to sleep at earthly hours.In essence I'm asking for not being a teacher/detective/chef/ cleaner/ chauffeur/counselor or not being a Parent(all rolled into one) just for a day!!

In this regard,I'd like to point put that BC(Before Christ)& AD(After Death/anno domini) are incorrect for timelines.Left to me I would devise dating system or timelines like this

BC or AC...Life - Before Children(BC) and After Children(AC)

I think you may want to laugh,cry or nod your head but let me tell you how it all goes ...
You know I can be sure that in the short time I'm not around and if there's no sound or sign of my little one even for a few seconds -one or more of the following has happened:

  1. He has taken out the ironing spray and sprayed all the furniture,books and clothes with them
  2. He has taken my handbag from the top of the table,unzipped it,gotten the car key out,stepped out into the backyard,reached the garage and turned on the car!!
  3. He has taken the dustbin,climbed on it,reached for the fruit and butter knife on the counter top and tried to cut them by himself
  4. He has opened the tap in the kitchen (by climbing on the chair in the kitchen nook) and tried to wash the vessels all by himself spraying the entire kitchen in this process
  5. He has taken his sister's tubs of different colors of glitter from her craft box and tried to be helpful by mixing them all together - on the floor !!!
  6. He has taken the stamp and stamped all his blue car designs on the freshly painted wall :(
  7. He has pulled out the leaves from the mint plant and watered the tomato plant to death !!
  8. He has emptied/thrown all the cheerios on the floor and made interesting designs out of them
  9. He has mastered the art of unrolling the toilet rolls in the short time he goes to the toilet for a pee..
  10. He has reached for the toolbox,gotten out the screwdriver,the batteries and tried to 'fick'(fix as he says) his Thomas train..
  11. He has opened a bottle of water and poured it all on the new pro back support mattress(making the mattress look like it needs some support right now!)
As you can see, I have in my son the makings of a launderer,driver,acrobat,chef,painter,graffiti artist, plumber,gardener and electrician all rolled into one.From the moment he's awake and till he falls into bed exhausted - I do think that I'm in the midst of an ongoing natural calamity -he's like a mini tornado,2.5 years old,a little over 3 feet tall,and in constant motion and a bundle of energy and unending activity...As a professional I know that he is perfectly normal,his activity levels,his natural curiosity are a perfect accompaniment to his growing a parent -well I need to specialize in Buddhism or Zen meditation - so I can calmly smile and understand these are the rewards of parenting - the good,the bad and the ugly !!

Not to be outdone in creativity,zeal or action,my 8 year old daughter chips in with her talent too...there's this pile of freshly laundered clothes on the floor which she tells me are all the costumes that were part of her dress up and dance routines when she changed from Cinderella to witch and into Cleopatra(BTW she ropes in her little brother to be Prince Charming with his set of costumes & accessories too!!).There's food crumbs, inside,outside,in the middle of the sofa,orange peels from ages ago under the bed(where she had decided to hide from her little brother to read and eat),cardboard boxes that she has painted and turned into hideouts or vehicles and tents,different colored papers cut out and painted with secret codes and games that she has devised to play with her friends,strange looking colored fruit concoction which she made(inspired by a recipe she read in a magazine) inside the freezer..scraps of notes everywhere that she has written to friends and family including notes to the fairies and painted her face and body(sometimes her brother's too) like they were part of the Avatar movie cast!!   
If counting to ten,taking deep breaths doesn't work,I try cleaning the house(like a woman possessed) which strangely calms me down  or write a blog(like I'm doing now) or even repeat the phrase"This too will pass on" to myself. At times I can adoringly look at their pictures when they were inside my tummy(was life much better then? -I'm not sure),or them smiling/talking innocently in their sleep after they came outside,or watch their dance videos,read my daughter's 'I love you' notes and handmade cards,or even recollect fondly the unconditional hugs and kisses I get.I know I must and I do cherish all these memories - the hysterical,the ominous,the funny, the scary and the heart warming ones because soon they would grow up and might not be looking out for Momma when they get hurt(right now they believe I'm Superwoman and I can kiss it all better)..
So may be I might not get my breaks,my leave applications from being a parent might not get granted,my requests for abstaining from parental duty are null and void and I will continue to rant,ventilate,would want to fast forward the parenting thing as this job gets interesting and challenging by the day- but I wouldn't trade being a parent for any job in the world .And I promise I would try my damnedest as I've to constantly 'up' my game to stay on par(if not on top) of this parenting puzzle and make the pieces fit.